Public Records Exemption

Voter registration information in the State of Florida is public record, with a few exceptions.

Information such as your social security number, driver's license number and the source of your voter registration application cannot be released or disclosed to the public under any circumstances.Your signature can be viewed, but not copied.Other information, such as your name, address, date of birth, party affiliation and when you voted is public information.

Your voter registration information may not be publicily disclosed or made available, provided your fall within one of the statutorily designated classes of high-risk professionals or become a participant in the Attorney General's Address Confidentiality Program for victims of domestic violence or stalking.

For information regarding this and the application to request your information be exempt from public records, please click here.

Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Office

1750 S. Woodland Blvd DeLand, FL 32720
Phone: 386-736-5930

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